Hi everyone!
In the past few months I have been so busy back and forth that I haven’t had a chance to catch up on my blogging! Sorry for the delay, but I won’t make this a long boring catch-up blog that’s incredibly long and takes forever to read. Instead of that, I thought I would just give you a few of the highlights from the holiday season.
-The Titans Football team donated 500 Turkey Dinners on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving as well as sponsoring a coat-giveaway for the kids in the community in December.
-The kids in THRIVE program at CWA decided to do a community service project for the holidays. They chose to make holiday-themed centerpieces and donate them to the residents of Edgefield Manor, a high-rise building that mainly houses seasoned adults. The residents there enjoyed the visit from the kids and loved the centerpieces!
-Martha O’Bryan held a holiday showcase on December 16th for the community members to come and enjoy a program from the kids in the programs and the staff. Kawema was in charge of this successful event which was complete with dance performances by the elementary and middle school kids, a Nativity story skit, a community blanket gift to the babies in the community (these were fleece, and made by community members tying knots in the strips of cut fleece around the edges, it turned out to be a great way for the community to give back to each other)
-The other Nashville YAVs and I attended the Nashville Christmas parade downtown which had huge balloons like the ones in the Macy’s parade! I have never seen those before other than on TV in the Macy’s parade and then in person in Chicago for the Thanksgiving parade. It was sooo much fun!

-Just before all of us YAVs in Nashville left to go home for the Christmas holidays we went to the Opryland Hotel to see the Christmas decorations! It was amazing! The place is HUGE!! There’s even a boat ride inside of the hotel! After we finished there, we went down the road to a camp site called Jellystone Park, with Yogi Bear on their sign and drove through their Christmas lights dancing along to the music! We turned our radio to a certain station and then drove through the camp ground as the lights that covered the whole camp site lit up and appeared to dance along to the music! It was a lot of fun too!
Sorry again about the delay! I will get you guys up to speed about January very very soon!
Peace and love to you all!